Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Do some maths man

Kia ora blogger, In class today we have been learning about decimals and how to figure the answer and  using algorithm for  maths me and the other people in my group were doing it as well.  At first it was hard Because I have never done decimals before. But then when the teacher told us how to do it. I started getting used to it then we went off and did the work. My friend calais  in my group was getting frustrated with it. So one of the teachers Gina help him then said to me that we could use algorithm to help us with answering the questions. You should use decimals to solve because you using plus’s to solve the answer.the easy part about decimals was using algorithm to solve the question. The challenging part was the dots in between the number and not using algorithm. Do you use algorithm to solve decimal questions  for math?


  1. Hello Wairua it’s Dezray from your class. I really like your blog post about maths because I’m trying to learn decimals too. I also like how you explained what you like and disliked. I like using algorithm to solve most of my math problems. Maybe next time focus on your grammar.

    Do you use any other math strategies?

  2. Kia Ora Wairua my name is Jayden in Te Ngahere. I really like your blog post about maths. I also like how you explained what you like and don’t like. I like using algorithm to solve many of my math problems. I’m trying to learn decimals too in class. Maybe you can focus on your spelling and how much space you used .

    Do you know how to use any other strategies?
